Matjaž Ivanišin l SLOVENIA, 2014 l 53′ l DCP l color


Intorno al 1970, nel pieno della “Black Wave” del cinema jugoslavo, il giovane regista Karpo Godina decise di mettersi in viaggio con la sua macchina da presa nell’entroterra pianeggiante della Vojvodina. Paese per paese, Godina realizzò un insolito road movie intitolato I Have a House, che coglieva l’aspetto multi-etnico della regione, caratterizzata da una grande varietà di volti, lingue e costumi. Purtroppo, col passare del tempo, di quel film sono rimasti soltanto pochissimi frammenti. Più di quarant’anni dopo, un altro giovane regista ripercorre lo stesso viaggio, immaginando i luoghi attraversati da Karpo. Con parti del materiale originale, usando Super-8 e musica folk adatta all’occasione, emerge un film che diventa un sogno.

It was about 1970, at the peak of the Yugoslavian “Black Wave” when the young filmmaker Karpo Godina decided to travel with his camera through the flat hinterland of Vojvodina. From a village to another, he realized the unusual road movie I Have a House. The multi-ethnic character of the region was translated into a wide variety of faces, languages and customs. Unfortunately, as time passed, only a few fragments of this original film were preserved. More than forty years later, another young filmmaker embarks on the same journey with his camera through this flat landscape in the footsteps of the young Karpo Godina. The fragments of the original material, the use of Super-8 and suitable folk music give rise to a film that turns to a dream.

Nato a Maribor nel 1981, Matjaž Ivanišin si iscrive nel 2000 all’Accademia di Teatro, Radio, Cinema e Televisione (AGRFT) di Lubiana. Nel 2007 si laurea in regia cinematografica e televisiva e lavora come filmmaker freelance. Ha diretto i cortometraggi Che Sara (2002), Quick View (2005), My Little Sweethearts (2006), Šentilj-Spielfeld, a Border Crossing that Once Was (2009) e Mora (2012).

Matjaž Ivanišin was born in Maribor in 1981. In 2000, he entered the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana to study Film and TV directing. Since his graduation in 2007, he has worked as a freelance filmmaker. He has directed the short films Che Sara (2002), Quick View (2005), My Little Sweethearts (2006), Šentilj-Spielfeld, a Border Crossing that Once Was (2009), and Mora (2012).


Sceneggiatura / Screenplay: Matjaž Ivanišin, Nebojša Pop-Tasić
Fotografia / Cinematography: Marko Brdar
Montaggio / Editing: Uja Irgolič
Suono / Sound: Tom Lemajič, Julij Zornik
Cast: Nebojša Pop-Tasić
Produzione / Production: Studio Legen [www.studio-legen.si – [email protected]], RTV Slovenija
World Sales: Studio Legen