MEDFILM Festival 2018
Chiuse le Iscrizioni!
24° edizione del MEDFILMfestival
Le iscrizioni sono ufficialmente chiuse, ringraziamo per la grande partecipazione dandovi appuntamento a fine ottobre per l’annuncio del programma del festival che sarà dal 9 al 18 novembre. A presto!
MEDFILM Festival2018
Officially closed the subscriptions to the
24rd edition of the festival
The registration is now officially closed. We would like to thank all of you for your participation, and we hope to see you at the end of October for the announcement of the Festival program. We would also like to remind you that the Festival will take place from November 9th to November 18th. We look forward to seeing you soon!
MEDFILM Festival2018
inscriptions fermées
24° édition du festival
L’appel à films pour l’édition 2018 du Medfilm Festival est clos. Merci à tous pour votre participation! Nous vous donnons rendez-vous fin octobre pour l’annonce du programme du Festival. Le festival aura lieu à Rome du 9 au 18 Novembre. À bientôt.