29° MedFilm Festival (9-19 novembre)

The Industry Platform for Mediterranean Cinemas

The MedMeetings take place every year alongside the MedFilm Festival, the first and only Italian event devoted to the cinemas of the Mediterranean region.

The MedMeetings provides a platform where Italian producers, filmmakers, distributors and sales agents have the opportunity to meet and get to know the professionals from the emerging markets of the Mediterranean region. It is a unique opportunity to establish connections between constantly growing markets looking for new partnerships in both the production and the distribution fields.

The MedMeetings track all stages of the cinematic creation:
– Talent training with MedTalents;
– Project development with MedPitching;
– Post-production with MedWIPs;
– Distribution with MedSales.

MedFilm Talents – A workshop for emerging talents of the Mediterranean region, film school students, focusing on the development of new film projects.

MedPitching – A hub for projects at the development stage, aimed at facilitating the co-production between Italy and the countries of the Mediterranean region.A jury of professionals awards the MedPitching Prize of 1.000€.

MedWIPs – Medfilm Works in Progress is a showcase open to fiction and documentary feature films in post-production from Italy and the Mediterranean countries. An international Jury awards the MedWIPs Prize of 10,000€.

MedSales – A presentation of the Italian companies active in international sales and distribution, with a special focus on their work with productions from the EuroMediterranean region.